Monday, December 1, 2008 a window.

Today the media spread the word that we have been in a recession since December of 2007.

'No newsflash there! My tiny retirement portfolio has lost 30% in 2008. Yes. My portfolio was growth heavy...but I'm young. I've still got time to make that up...if things turn around in a reasonable amount of time.

I'm trying to be optimistic when the outlook is grim. It's just hard to do when the Dow took a 679.95 plunge today. I shouldn't pay attention to the daily numbers. It's like not keeping my eyes on the road when I pass an accident scene. I know I should just pay attention to driving, but I'm drawn to the morbid.

That said, I have hope that things will turn out okay. My hubby and I have been through some tight financial times before. I'm not sure how we got through. My best explanation is that we were blessed from paying our tithing. The "windows of heaven" promise from the bible really make the saying true that "when God closes one door, somewhere God opens a window."

1 comment:

Colton Anne said...

Amen to that! I'm so glad we are blest with this knowledge! :)

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