Sunday, November 28, 2010

...catch Lucy's new routine.

She has been doing this for a few weeks now, but we finally caught Lucy's new routine on camera. First, she has learned how to lie down on a stairs without falling off.

Then, she will sun bathe in the sun from the window...

...until she gets too hot!

Silly puppy!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

...choose jelly, whole, or stars.

It's the age old question of serving whole cranberry sauce or cranberry jelly for Thanksgiving. I decided to serve both with a third option this year. We had some kids at our gathering, so I broke out a star cookie cutter. Yep. At our house, we had jelly, whole, or star cranberry sauce. Which would you choose?

I believe the star cranberry sauce might just become a tradition at our house. We did go traditional on the turkey. Here's a shot of it right out of the oven.

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

...sit in the sun.

Lucy loves to find a patch of sun to curl up in...even if it's on the stairs!

Monday, November 15, 2010


James had duty this Veterans Day weekend. Before I brought him his dinner (chow), he instructed (briefed) me on how to deliver it.

This is what he said: Just come bang on the hatch at 1800.

This is what I repeated back: So, I'll come knock on the door at 6 o'clock.

I think it annoys him when I use civilian speak back even though I understand the military speak. I just don't want him to get lost in the military world. Not everyone understands what he means. After all, Marines use nautical terms even when they are very much on land (for example: hatch). It can all get a bit confusing to those not living the military life.

By the way, my hubby is not out of regulation in this pic. I Photoshopped out the rank insignia on purpose. "Loose lips sink ships."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

...earn my sticker!

Who says I'm too old for gold stars? I get excited about earning my "I voted" sticker come election time. My husband's "temporary" assignment in the DC area had me mailing in my ballots. Now that he has a "permanent" duty station, I get to walk into a polling station. The best part is getting handed your sticker as you leave. It may sound silly, but I love positive reinforcement...getting my "gold star" for being a good citizen.

By the way, my skin looks a little pink in the photo. That's because I walked to the polling station and back in the CA sun. It's currently 82 degrees. I earned that sticker!

Those of you who have stickers may notice something missing from mine. I took off the county info to be on the safe side. "Loose lips sink ships" and all...
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