Wednesday, October 7, 2009


October is turning out to be a rather violent month.

Today, Lucy caught a large, green grasshopper.

Next, she killed it. Then, she ATE it!


Unknown said...

Goodness, Tina! What's happened to you lately? Are you all full of anger or something? Sounds pretty funny, though. We had a dog that tried to eat a bee once. It stung her, and she spit it out, only to eat it again while it flying away. She wasn't the brightest dog out there, but she was fun!

Meagan said...

I love the picture of Lucy. What a distinguished dog she is. That is funny about the grasshopper. I have a cat and dog that think that bugs need to be part of their daily diet. They love to chase and eat the bugs.

Sam Ransom said...

I think she looks pretty happy with her snack. hehehe

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