Monday, June 15, 2009

...feed the fish!

This might just waste oodles of time, but I added a gadget to my blog that is way fun...and goes with the background. Make sure you move the mouse over the fish "tank." The fish will follow the cursor because they are hungry fish. When you click the mouse in the tank, you leave food for the fish to eat. So, go ahead. Feed the fish!

By the way, tune in tomorrow to see how I celebrate my 100th post and blog anniversary!


Hokie said...

Thanks, who needs pets when you can feed virtual fish! Fun.

Unknown said...

Way to much fun!!! I love it.

Amanda, Ben, and Liam said...

I fed your fish too Tina!! They just kept eating and eating and eating...

I love checking in on your little artistic is so fun to see what in going on with my fellow Marine Wife!

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